
One very hungry little caterpillar/ Navarre, FL Newborn Photographer


I was so excited when friends of ours asked if I would photograph their newest member once he arrived!  I NEVER assume that friends will, in fact, hire me.  I always hope that they’d trust me to capture their families unique connection, but…i.never.assume.  Winking smile


So, this little guy’s mom was so excited about his nursery—which made me all that much MORE excited to create an awesome set up to compliment his nursery décor.  His nursery décor followed one of my favorite children’s books, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  His grandma even knit his little beanie and cocoon set—making the session all that much more special.  I loved that it wasn’t some random prop that I fell in love with and purchased on Etsy—it was something handmade-by his grandma-just.for.him.  It was actually soooo sweet (and made me a little misty-eyed) listening to Shelby recount how she had stared at this little hat and cocoon set laying in his crib while she anxiously awaited his arrival.  I think we’ve all been there-staring at a closet full of the most precious newborn threads-trying to imagine this “most anticipated little person” arriving so that he/she can just wear all the stuff (if only for one or two times, right?!?).


So, there’s the backstory.  My little Jackson and big brother, Tyler, are buddies.  I love this family…and I’m even more excited that we’ll get to grow in similar directions: both families of four with two crazy little boys!


Congrats Kyle, Shelby, and Tyler!  We couldn’t be more happy for you guys!! 





Boudoir Minis-Fort Walton Beach, FL; Destin, FL Boudoir Photographer


I recently ventured into a new area of photography.  I love all things relating to women.  I guess, well…because I’m a woman.  I can relate. 


I opened up a listing of times for my mini boudoir sessions and they booked up within less than an hour!  I was so shocked….and pumped! 


The women definitely brought their “A” game.  We had a blast figuring out what outfits were best for them to rock and what jewelry would go perfectly with their wardrobe.  It was an absolute blast, and I honestly think that every woman walked away feeling beautiful, strong, and confident that day! 


Below is a sneak peek! 



Baby “A”/ Fort Walton Beach, FL Newborn Photographer


Okay, so my New Year’s {business} resolution was to BLOG more!  I’m horrible at it…especially with a husband who is deployed.


First up:  A sneak peek of this little gorgeous peanut!  I’ll have more images to come in the coming week…but for now, this shot of pure sweetness will have to suffice.  <3



The birth story of Delilah…


So background:  I had been wanting to start photographing births.  I had mentioned it to several mommies that had contacted me for maternity sessions.  I got the whole, “No way you’re taking pictures of my va jay jay…” schpill more than you could imagine.  And, in their defense, it’s pretty hard to explain to someone, “hey look!  it’s totally not like that..at. all.” when the first thing that comes to mind is: A baby is coming out of my vagina!  haha…. 


So, after noticing that a local midwife liked my Facebook photography page, I emailed her to offer my services….honestly thinking that there was no way in hell that anything would come of it.  Surprise, surprise!!  I got an email back that very next morning asking to meet up!  I couldn’t believe it!  Then I thought..what the heck am I doing?  Brian is deployed.  How. in. the. world. am. I. going. to. swing. this??!!  But, I’m a HUGE believer in “if it’s meant to be, it will be..” kinda thing. 


We met.  She told me that she had a client who she thought would be very interested.  Enter Jill (and her husband of course!)  I actually ended up doing some shots for Jill and for Cindi’s office (www.gentlebirthoptions.com).


Okay, so fast forward a week or so… I get a text around 7pm from Cindi saying that Jill is probably having her baby tonight.  Earlier, I had plans to take Jackson, my oldest, to a movie.  My mom was in town and helping me out for a couple of weeks, and I thought that we could use a Mommy/son date.  Until, around 430 pm, when I got a weird feeling that we shouldn’t go.  (Hang tight..you’ll notice I get **a lot** of feelings.  Don’t laugh! ;D )  Anyways..Cindi mentioned that she was going to go out and check on her and let me know how things looked.  I got another text from 30 mins later telling me that she (Cindi) was going to go grab a quick bite to eat (it was her and her husband’s anniversary!! Sad smile ) and then go back and check on Jill.  She suggested that I head that way around 8pm. 


The whole drive I was shaking.  This was it.  My initial shot.  I didn’t  want to be that kid that sat on the bench all season, only to get put in the game the last 30 seconds, passed the ball, and then miss the shot.  Sad smile  Know what I mean?!? 


I arrive and start to clicking.  I felt at ease.  The house was full of family members, and I had already established a nice, strong relationship with Jill and her two girls already.  I felt like I was amongst friends.  Smile  Jill was laughing and smiling…at 7cm.  yep…hate her now! Winking smile  Labor progressed shortly after I arrived, but Jill handled it with such strength and willful determination! 


Jill had two friends in her bedroom, along with her husband and the birthing team.  I remember seconds before Jill birthed her baby, looking over, seeing these two girls with tears streaming down their faces-in utter awe of Jill’s amazing power.  It was a beautiful birth.  Jack helped catch Delilah and put her on Jill’s chest at 1203 am. 


They brought the girls in shortly after, and seeing their excitement (in the middle of the night) brought tears to my eyes.  Not only that…but to see the love that Jack had for his house FULL of girls..words couldn’t explain what I was so blessed to witness. 


Here’s some shots from the birth, followed by their birth story below!




the birth story of Delilah….

Kaja-Northwest Florida Senior Photographer

I love shooting sessions with seniors.  It takes me back to that time (almost 10 years ago) when I was a senior.  Its always fun!  And Kaja was no different.  She's amazingly beautiful and needed practically NO direction on how to pose!~a photographer's dream, I tell you! 

I want to wish her congratulations and good luck!  Big things are in store for her! <3

Miss C-Northwest Florida Baby Photographer

So, I am totally trying to play catch up! 

I went to school with Miss C's mommy and daddy!  They are both good looking people--but goodness!  They created one of the most beautiful little girls EVER!  She was sooo much fun!  These are photos from her 1 year cake smash session! Enjoy!

Miss K-Northwest Florida Children's Photographer

Time to catch up! 

I went to high school and am best friends with Miss K's mommy!  She was turning the ONE while we were in Texas visiting family...so of course that meant a CAKE SMASH session! 

She's such a cutie pie and I look forward to watching her grow up!

My 'lil guy-Northwest Florida Baby Photographer

This is my sweet 'lil D-man. He's soooo lovable! I couldn't resist a {small} share of our little portrait session together!



Bradley- Northwest Florida Senior Photographer

As a family, we've known Bradley for about a year now. He dates my {little} sister-in-law. He's such a caring, sweet guy. He loves my sister-in-law to death. He's def the sort of guy that you'd be happy to know that your daughter is dating. I had soooo much fun taking his senior portraits!





they didn't want to kiss in front of me, but I HAD to capture that young, fun, first-love spirit! :)


My lil guy..

I couldn't resist sharing. My sweet little guy loves his jumperoo...so I pulled out the camera, snapped some shots, and threw this collage together! I can't wait to share his childhood with him one day when he's all grown up! *sniff....*
